Solo: A Star Wars Story
Dir._Ron Howard
Dirs._Phil Lord & Chris Miller
Production Designer_Neil Lamont
Lucasfilm Ltd.
Concept Designer_2018
Corellia_The ship-building world and home of Han Solo
I began work on this show whilst I was working in post-production on Rogue One, I was the second hire after the Production Designer Neil Lamont.
Neil & I threw around ideas in sketches and references, some of my sketchbook ideas can be seen below.
Later development came as the concept team grew in the Art Department supported by artists from ILM.
Dryden Vos, Tanaab, Vandor & Kessel_worlds we get to visit
An early idea for Han walking into a casino onboard Dryden Vos' ship, a sort of floating speakeasy.
Han’s speeder, the Falcon, and how Enfys Nest ship became The Vos Yacht_vehicle design and development driven by the story
pew pew pew